She Knows – February 3, 2020

Resources for reimagining Thanksgiving for parents, educators, and anyone interested in decolonizing, rethinking and intentionally talking about the holiday Americans call Thanksgiving.

I don't have to tell you that Mother's Day is complicated. Estranged relationships, deceased mothers, mothers unjustly behind bars or walls, infertility, narrow definitions of gender and mother, and the raced and classed way society classifies a "good" mother just...
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April 2nd, 2019 is the National Observance of Equal Pay Day. It is the day that averages together the incomes of all racial groups for the 80 cents on the dollar gender wage gap to signify how far into the…

I know it’s been a few days since a white supremacist murdered 50 Muslims and wounded 20 more at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand in the nation’s deadliest attack, (and since, 5 mosques in Birmingham, England have been attacked. )…