Hello! I’m glad you’re here. I am passionate about the intersections of race, faith, politics, and parenting and having conversations that move us towards a liberated society. While I love gossipping about the mundane (finding out bell hooks & I shared a love of Ed Hardy was peak kismet), it’s the “but how do we change the world” conversations at the park and around the table that keep me going.
While I think labels box rather than dream, I do enjoy thinking of myself as a social engineer, cultural critic, organizer, writer, facilitator, and public theologian. I’m the Consulting Community Minister at Middle Church, the founder of Raising Imagination, and serve on the Clergy Advisory Board of Planned Parenthood Empire State Acts. I’ve presented nationwide on topics including systemic injustice, religion, raising white children as anti-racist, and involving young children in advocacy.
I grew up in one high school small town, Georgetown, Kentucky, graduated from Scott County High School, Samford University, and the Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div), and was ordained by Metro Baptist Church in 2016. You can listen in, read more, and watch more about me here.
Since 2007, I’ve been a New Yorker, currently living in the East Village with my husband Graham, 8-year-old twin boys, 6-year-old daughter, and baby-to-be coming at end of September 2022.
It’s the “but how do we change the world” conversations at the park and around the table that keep me going. If that’s you, too, let’s talk.